Will Rogers once said “Those were the great old says. Darn it, any old days are great old days, even the tough ones.” R. Lewis Bowman has made it his business to capture the unique humor of the great old days of an incurable way of life – the life of the rancher, the cattleman and the cowboy. Bowman refers to this life as “part of Mother Earth”. The author’s family, and others like them, accepted the challenge to uphold the true American spirit as they settled, homesteaded, improved and cared for the Southwestern frontier, making it “ the best it could be” for those of us who came afterwards.
BUMFUZZLED and BUMFUZZLED,TOO represent a compendium of cowboy quips and phrases presented in the cowboy manner of speech that comes from Bowman’s lifetime association with what he calls “the greatest people in the world...honest, caring, unsurpassed outdoorsmen.” Here he has artfully preserved some of that old time cowboy wit and philosophy in the style in which it was delivered, along with a bit of education, history and a collection of wonderful old photographs, “for what it’s worth” to the rest of us.
$25 Each